Ways Families Can Support Belonging and Inclusion

Family input is about working together. It allows us to foster a sense of belonging for both the child in our care and their parents. When parents and our educators find a way to collaborate it strengthens the child’s identity and enhances their learning at Puss In Boots Morningside Early Childhood Learning Centre.

As educators, we have a meaningful role to play in strengthening the sense of belonging for children and families of diverse backgrounds. At Puss In Boots we believe in working together. We value family input and conversations that encourage effective communication.

By showing a genuine interest in a family’s culture, through ways of communicating and parenting, we promote a sense of security and belonging for the child. Working together with parents also creates smooth transitions between home life and childcare.

There are many different ways in which to encourage collaboration. At Puss In Boots, it begins with the very first contact we have with a parent. A tour of our Morningside childcare centre provides families with the opportunity to speak directly with their child’s prospective educators.

Collaboration creates positive relationships, and we do this by:

  • Acknowledging and supporting children’s family and culture
  • Having conversations
  • Sharing information with families
  • Inviting and actively listening to family input
  • Respecting families’ culture and values
  • Developing strategies that nurture partnerships.

Of particular note is our use of our Curriculum Story Wall. We use it to share a child’s learning journey with their family. It also aides our educators in the development of a child’s portfolio and provides a way in which parents and child can communicate about their day.